A guide to #ASDAVLC, as told by Moira Rose of ‘Schitt’s Creek’

With ASDA’s first-ever Virtual Leadership Conference (VLC) quickly approaching, it’s understandable that you might wonder, “How do I prepare?” Let “Schitt’s Creek” character Moira Rose, star of fictional TV soap opera “Sunrise Bay,” provide you with tips to make the most out of your VLC experience.


Review the schedule. Check out the schedule to decide ahead of time which sessions you want to attend. Take a look at the colored track icons that provide details on which programming track (career planning, leadership fundamentals, personal development and wellness, advocacy, cutting-edge and clinical) the session is associated with.

Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek

Eliminate distractions. It may be tempting to multitask, but it’s best to dedicate your time to the sessions you want to attend. Put your phone on silent, turn off email notifications and limit distractions in your space, so you are able to pay attention and get the most out of the conference. In addition, prepare your space with anything you may need such as your laptop charger, earbuds, coffee and water, snacks, etc.

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Get comfortable. While a virtual conference is less formal than an in-person event, it’s important to dress appropriately. You’re still making an impression, and you want to make sure it’s a good one, especially when networking with vendors and other attendees. That being said, if your camera isn’t on, feel free to get comfortable.

Is This What Everyones Wearing Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek

Participate. Network, ask questions and build relationships with other attendees and speakers by using the Q&A and chat function within the platform. In addition, don’t miss the Sponsor Showcase to learn about products, tools, business services and career opportunities, and to schedule your one-on-one virtual appointments.

Be social. Check out ASDA’s Instagram account (@dentalstudents) for important event reminders, and use the #ASDAVLC to connect with other participants throughout the conference.

Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek

See what you missed. If you didn’t catch all the sessions, don’t worry. You can still fold it in to your schedule by watching what you missed on demand. Content will be available for up to a year using your existing conference login credentials.

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Have fun! Last but not least, have fun! There are a variety of one-time live networking events that are being held throughout VLC that you will not want to miss. From a cooking demo with celebrity chef Matt Basile to glow-in-the-dark yoga and “You Can’t Handle the Tooth!” trivia, it’s important to take a break to relax and enjoy your time at VLC!

Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek

from Dental Tips https://www.asdablog.com/a-guide-to-asdavlc-as-told-by-moira-rose-of-schitts-creek/

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